Pengumuman pendaftaran Calon Mitra Statistik BPS Kota Semarang Tahun 2025, silakan klik disini
September 2024 terjadi inflasi year on year (y-on-y) Kota Semarang sebesar 1,53 persen dengan Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) sebesar 105,12
Data Collection of Village Potential 2018
April 13, 2018 | BPS Activities
Data Collection on Village Potential (Podes 2018) will be conducted in May 2018. It will produce regional-based data which is owned by all levels of government administration area: regency / city, sub-district, and village. Podes 2018 is also expected to evaluate the village funds that have been disbursed by the Government.
From Podes 2018 can see how many of the previously disadvantaged villages have grown, or from those that have developed into disadvantaged, the implementation of Podes is in line with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015 -2019 which targets to eradicate 5,000 disadvantaged villages. Podes 2018 is also to support the implementation of the population census is planned to be done 2020.
Podes are regularly done three times in ten years to support the implementation of the population census. Podes are done last year 2014. To succeed Podes required support from Sub District and urban in the Semarang Municipality because the potential of the village (Podes) is an activity based on the data of sub-district and village units. The implementation of Podes will determine whether the village is still rural or has become urban.
Head of BPS Semarang Municipality, Erisman hopes Podes can be useful to Urban, Sub-District and Semarang Municipality Government can use this data to update it every year, so monitoring policy at urban and sub-district level becomes more measured in terms of data utilization in territoriality
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota SemarangJl. Inspeksi Kali Semarang No.1