Focus Group Discussion on the Preparation of Semarang Municipality in Figures 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Municipality

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Focus Group Discussion on the Preparation of Semarang Municipality in Figures 2021

Focus Group Discussion on the Preparation of Semarang Municipality in Figures 2021

February 18, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday (19/2), BPS Semarang Municipality held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the preparation of the Semarang Municipality in Figures 2021 Publication. The activity, which was held virtually through video conference zoom meeting media, was opened by the Head of BPS Semarang Municipality, Fachruddin Tri Ubajani, SSi , M.Si and also attended by the Head of Statistics and Encoding of the Diskominfo Semarang Municipality, ZS Satyahadi, SE and all data producers consisting of agencies, vertical agencies, institutions, BUMD and BUMN in Semarang Municipality.

In this discussion, coordination and evaluation were carried out to finalize the data that will publish in the publication of the Semarang Municipality in Figures of 2021 which is scheduled to be released on February 26, 2021.

 With this FGD activity, it is hoped that coordination, integration, synchronization and standardization of data can be created so that the data presented can be valid, relevant, accurate and sustainable so that it can be used as a reference for evaluation and development planning by policy makers appropriately.

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